Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Chinese Proverb

Chinese Proverb
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time,place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break.

The last hurrah

girl gone wild

New cute pictures

Gotcha day. May 14th, 2007

Life in China before Maya

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Finally figured the computer stuff out

Sorry about the late entry. We made it to Beijing yesterday in the late afternoon. We needed to find techy support because the blogspot was only in Chinese(cant read that just yet). Anyway, to make a long story short, we are now bloggin again. We are really enjoying our time so far and have met a bunch of nice people. There are a total of 32 families from Great Wall here but we are in 3 separate groups based on what province we are adopting from. There are 9 families in our group. Today, we visited the Forbidden City, Tiannamen Square, and the Great Wall itself. We made it to the top. It was quite a hike. We will get some pictures on the blog in short order. Hope everyone is doing well. Boys, we love you very much and are thinking about you all a lot. Thanks again to our wonderful support and friends back home. I'm all blogged out for now.


beth caffrey said...

Hi! Thomas, Finn and I arrived Fri night. The boys are doing great and playing well with my boys. They loved their presents!!! Hugs and kisses!! We are off to see Bucky and to the train restaurant for lunch!!!

Grams and Gramps T. said...


Grams and Gramps T. said...

oops--I was setting this up for the boys but they disappeared. We will write later.

Grams and Gramps T. said...

Hi Mom and Dad. Everyone is having fun. The first night you were gone Caleb and Trever were really sad and it was hard for them to get to bed. But now they are having so much fun. Now it is so easy for them to get to bed.


Grams and Gramps T. said...

Dear Mom and Dad,
Thank you for the popcorn,junior mints, and Night at the Museum. We have really good pictures.


Mean Machine said...

Hey guys, it's Uncle Jeff. I haven't been on the website for a while and now it's awesome! It's great to follow you on your journey. Anyway, I'm glad you're there safely. Can you believe the big day is just around the corner now?! I bet she's so excited to see her mommy and daddy! And what's up with the dog? Are you trying to see how many major life changes you can make in a month's time? Meg and I are NOT dog people but we both had to admit Bucky is dang cute. Well have a good day tomorrow and happy mother's day, Patti! We miss you guys and can't wait to see your new, bigger, happier family.

Uncle Jeff and Aunt Meg

Grams and Gramps S said...

Hi everybody! Sounds like everyone is doing great. We are getting ready to see everybody. The question is are you ready? I think Bucky is so cute. See you soon.